
In order to fulfil our research goals stated in our application, we have formed a project group which involves specialists of methodological research and teaching representing the Budapest University of Technology and Economics Department of Technical Education (András Benedek professor, György Molnár PhD, head of department, associate professor, Kristóf Nyíri member of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences and Éva Feketéné Szakos associate professor), as well as researchers focusing on the theoretical framework of vocational training in terms of researching the system theory, information technological, mathematical knowledge and content representation connected to theoretical aspects (Tibor Vámos member of the Hungarian Academy of Science, Ruth Bars honorary associate professor, Péter Gáspár member of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences). It is noteworthy that experienced vocational teachers (Gyöngyi Dobozy teacher of economics, economist, József Horváth teacher of engineering, engineering information technologist, Dalma Pap foreign language teacher, mentor pedagogue, Endre László Nagy teacher of engineering, mechanical engineer, economist engineer) join the project who can provide to the practical and applicable aspects of the project in terms of recent research for the Scientific Students’ Association, excellent methodological practice, info communicational content development experience, methodology aiming at students with special needs (for example, special needs students, talented students), and contact to teacher training schools.

Under the terms of the long-time agreement between the full-time teachers and the Budapest University of Technology and Economics Technical Education Department, the following vocational schools provide us with piloting of our new methodological development:

  1. Budapesti Gazdasági Szakképzési Centrum Öveges József Szakgimnáziuma és Szakközépiskolája
  2. Budapesti Műszaki Szakképzési Centrum Bolyai János Műszaki Szakgimnáziuma
  3. „Budapesti” Baptista Szakgimnázium, Gimnázium és Sportiskola
  4. Kecskeméti Szakképzési Centrum Kada Elek Közgazdasági Szakgimnáziuma
  5. Érdi Szakképzési Centrum Kós Károly Szakgimnáziuma és Szakközépiskolája
  6. Zöld Kakas Líceum Mentálhigiénés Szakközépiskola, Szakiskola és Gimnázium
  7. oktOpus Multimédia Intézet Médiaművészeti Szakközépiskola
  8. Budapesti Gépészeti Szakképzési Centrum Mechatronikai Szakgimnáziuma